Obi, Chester, Hugo, Louie and Bear
Meet Obi, Chester, Hugo, Louie and Bear: Head of Security and Cheese Connoisseurs at VM Family Law
Despite their adorable appearances, these loyal companions take their roles seriously, diligently ensuring the security of our premises with keen awareness, especially when it comes to alerting us to the arrival of the post man.
As dedicated cheese connoisseurs, they uphold a high standard in the office kitchen, ensuring only the crème de la crème of cheeses grace our fridge. From cheddar to gouda, they sniff out the best dairy treats like seasoned experts.
Their meticulous attention to detail extends beyond security and culinary tastes; they maintain a pristine workspace, leaving no crumb unchecked.
Beyond their official duties, they play a crucial role in fostering a positive workplace environment, advocating for our well-being with daily doses of companionship, encouraging walks, and soothing moments of interaction.
Their empathy extends beyond our team—they’re also there for our clients, offering comfort and support during challenging times. Whether it’s a reassuring nuzzle or a calming presence, Obi, Chester, Hugo, Louie and Bear have a unique way of brightening everyone’s day.
When you visit us, you’ll find more than legal expertise—you’ll discover a team that values every aspect of your experience, including the warmth and reassurance provided by our four-legged colleagues.